Consortium / Technische Universität Dortmund

Technische Universität Dortmund (DE), is a recognized research university with particular strengths in science and engineering and in technology transfer.

The Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering is the largest of its kind among all German universities and one of the largest in Europe. As an interdisciplinary centre the department includes all major scientific areas that are relevant for chemical and biochemical production processes, from scientific fundamentals to process and plant design and operation. It is the major source of chemical engineering graduates of the German chemical companies. The department has excellent state-of-the-art experimental facilities and technical support staff. Its budget is funded largely by grants from public research sponsors and industrial organizations.

The group of Prof. A. Górak at the Laboratory of Fluid Separations is among the international leaders in the field of modelling, simulation, developing and experimental validation of reactive and hybrid separation processes, focused on process intensification, white and red biotechnology and hybrid separations. The group has outstanding reputation in EU research. Specifically related to this project, IL based pervaporation membranes have been developed and tested as well as experimental and model-based analysis of reactive absorption/desorption of CO2 using amines.
contact: Dr. Andrzej Górak (andrzej.gorak(at)

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