INnovaTive Enzymes and polyionic-liquids based membRAnes as CO2 Capture Technology (INTERACT)
is a cooperation project funded within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, theme ENERGY.2013.5.1.2.
The project responds to the call on new generation high-efficiency capture processes within theme Energy. It aims at providing the technological basis for advanced CO2 separation both for large scale operation of power stations or other energy intensive industry as well as for smaller emission sources.
The consortium composed eleven partners from industry, small and medium sized enterprises, universities and research institutes, ten from European Countries and one from the USA.
Furthermore, INTERACT will collaborate with two Australian twinning projects that are supported by ANLEC R&D, a funding entity that is funded on equal basis by the Australian Coal Association and the Department for Resources, Energy and Tourism (RET).
Project start date: 01.09.2013
Project end date: 28.02.2017
Duration: 42 Months
Total Cost: 6.2 Mio EUR
EC-Contribution: 4.8 Mio EUR
Grant agreement no: 608535